Thursday, March 13, 2025

Who Is The U.G.R.A.?

The Utah Gay Rodeo Association began in 1979 and was known as The Golden Spike Gay Rodeo Association (GSGRA).  It consisted of  a group of local country western gays helping out the community and sharing their love of the west and of the Rodeo life.  Ten years later, in 1989, they were admitted to the International Gay Rodeo Association.  However, by that time, in California, the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association had been formed and had trademarked the GSGRA acronym, so the name was changed to The Utah Gay Rodeo Association (UGRA).
Once the area dust had settled, the new UGRA  got to work and for the next 11 years worked hard througout the communities of Utah getting their name out there, growing their membership and getting Utah ready for its 1st gay rodeo.  Finally, on June 2, 2000 the first Utah Gay Rodeo Association sponsored rodeo kicked off and for the next few years Utah enjoyed its yearly rodeo until interest waned and the organization dissolved in 2006.
On January 4, 2016, a group of eager cowfolk got together, put things in motion and the Utah Gay Rodeo Association (UGRA) was brought back to life.  The UGRA was admitted back into the International Gay Rodeo Association by Summer 2016 and they worked hard once again getting themselves out there and re-lighting the rodeo fire in the communites of Utah.  Finally, in June of 2023, the Utah Gay Rodeo Association brought Utah its first Gay Rodeo in 19 years and it was a smashing success.  Now, the wheels are a moving and we are well on our way towards our 2024 Rodeo in June.

Who can join the UGRA you ask…. anyone who is 21 years of age and older who is not afraid to work to better the LGBTQ+ Communities of Utah.  Someone who loves to have fun, work together, make lifelong friendships and is not afraid of a little manure on their boots.  Ask any of our members, we enjoy long walks in a dusty rodeo arena, the thrill of rodeo competition and most importantly, we love to have our communities invloved in the FUN!  Please reach out to us with any questions and how to get involved!

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